How to Stake Eth ?
To Stake Eth follow the offical Eth Lauchpad
Note: Import keys into the network you want such as SSV, OBOL for DVT (Distributed Validator Technolgy)
For Ethereum Staking simply Import your Keys
Import validator key
Type "accept" to accept terms of use
Press enter to accept default wallet location
Enter a new prysm-only password to encrypt your local prysm wallet files
and enter the keystore password for your imported accounts.
Verify your validators imported successfully.
WARNING: Do not import your validator keys into multiple validator clients and run them at the same time, or you might get slashed. If moving validators to a new setup or different validator client, ensure deletion of the previous validator keys before continuing.
Start the validator
Store your prysm-only password in a file and make it read-only.
This is required so that Prysm can decrypt and load your validators.
Replace <my_password_goes_here>
with your prysm-only password.
Clear the bash history in order to remove traces of your prysm-only password.
Setup Service File
Create a systemd unit file to define your validator.service
Paste the following configuration into the file.
Update the configuration file with your current user's home path and user name.
Update file permissions.
Run the following to enable auto-start at boot time and then start your validator.
Last updated