How to delegate atom?
Delegator Cli
Install Go
Download the latest version of go Lang for Linux from here.
We are using version 1.19.3 for this tutorial.
Install Binaries
The following commands will install the gaia binaries onto your system.
You can always check for the latest version of gaia from here.
For this tutorial we are using the 7.1.0 version of gaia.
Setting up gaiad
In this tutorial we are running our own node, so we will configure tcp://localhost:26657 for our validator.
Paste the following command
Generate a key to sign blocks
The following command will generate a key file which will be used to sign blocks onto the cosmos blockchain
Note: A mnemonic seed phase will be generated when you create a key. We can then use this seed phase to import our account into keplr wallet.
Import account into Keplr Wallet
You need to install Keplr Wallet Chrome extension already setup.
Open this link in order to add the testnet rpc to your wallet.
Steps to import your account
Open the keplr wallet chrome extension.
Click on add account.
Select import existing account.
Enter the seed phase that was generated in the previous step.
Done, you have now successfully imported you account into the keplr wallet.
Once everything is setup, we can now delegate atoms into a validator.
You need to have the validator address in order to send transaction to the right validator.
Check delegation status
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Theta Testnet:
Last updated