How to Setup a Validator Node ?

  • Operating system: 64-bit Linux (i.e. Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Server or Desktop)

  • Processor: Quad core CPU, Intel Core i7–4770 or AMD FX-8310 or better

    Instance-type: t3.xlarge

  • Storage: 20 gb root and 2000gb EBS mounted volume

  • Power: Reliable electrical power with uninterruptible power supply (UPS)

    ETH balance: at least 32 goerli ETH and some goerli ETH for deposit transaction fees

  • Wallet: Metamask installed

​Setup Metamask

If you need to install Metamask, please refer here.

High Level Validator Node Overview

At the end of this guide, you will build a node that hosts three main components in two layers: consensus layer consists of a consensus client, also known as a validator client with a beacon chain client. The execution layer consists of a execution client, formerly a eth1 node.

Validator client - Responsible for producing new blocks and attestations in the beacon chain and shard chains.

Beacon chain client - Responsible for managing the state of the beacon chain, validator shuffling, and more.

Execution client (aka Eth1 node) - Supplies incoming validator deposits from the eth mainnet chain to the beacon chain client.

Note: Teku and Nimbus combines both clients into one process.

Get ethereum in your wallet

Buy/exchange or consolidate ETH

  • Every 32 ETH you own allows you to make 1 validator. You can run thousands of validators with your beacon node.

  • Your ETH (or multiples of 32 ETH) should be consolidated into a single address accessible with Metamask.

  • If you need to buy/exchange or top up your ETH to a multiple of 32, check out

​​Signup to be a validator at the Launchpad when both eth1 and eth2 node are fully synced

  • Please refer the below link here.

Install execution client (ETH1 node)Configure consensus client (beacon chain and validator)

Last updated